Unlike dryer duct cleaning, which should be checked and cleaned on a regular basis, no independent objective organization advocates HVAC duct cleaning as part of regular HVAC system maintenance. The Environmental Protection Agency states the “EPA does not recommend that air ducts be cleaned except on an as-needed basis because of the continuing uncertainty about the benefits of duct cleaning under most circumstances.”
Although duct cleaning isn't always a terrible idea, it isn't required in the majority of circumstances. Cleaning dust in air ducts can be beneficial in certain circumstances, such as when the ducts are unclean or infested with mice or other vermin. If you notice significant visible mold growth in the ducts or on the HVAC system's mechanical components that come into touch with air. That could be a reason to clean. Cleaning usually dusty ducts, on the other hand, adds little significant value.
Although frightening "before" and "after" duct photographs make wonderful discount coupon photos, it's unlikely that your ducts are in poor condition. If your ducts are dirty enough that they need to be cleaned, you should clean your complete HVAC system (more on that later), not just the ducts. Please be aware that duct cleaning involves the use of specialized instruments to agitate and remove material in the ducts, causing dirt and other contaminants to become progressively loose and airborne before being sucked out. The ducts are sometimes cut for tool access and must be properly resealed. The air duct contamination is then removed using a strong vacuum system. If done incorrectly, you may cause more harm than good.
Mold, germs, pollen, dust mites, chemical residue, and other household pollutants can taint air ducts. Air duct contamination can be caused by a defective HVAC system, inefficient air filters, incorrectly installed ductwork, and moisture buildup.
Tips for Minimizing Risk When Having Your HVAC System Cleaned
Begin by hiring and working with a qualified contractor. Cleaning ducts and HVAC systems by someone who has been trained and certified has the best chance of going well. You can search contact companies offering air duct cleaning Utah services.
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